Friday Blogger
I marched ahead to speak my heart..She trudged ahead to defy, Her words were all mystifying..As she didn't even deny... [Dubious Path-Perplexed Beings.....still not aware where to go...but finally, got and end to begin] Ink On..... Though every Friday is special and comes with a package full of excitement and new experiences (worthy sometimes and sometimes annoying).But after quite a long time I got acquainted with a Friday, which was the offshoot of the last Friday ["WHEN I GOT THE LEARNING OF PAST-PRESENT-FUTURE AND WHICH GUIDED ME TO NOT MISS A CHANCE OF MAKING MY FUTURE BETTER] and all other week days acted like a catalyst and contributed in the growth of this FRIDAY by making it an unforgettable ride, which started with joy and butterflies in stomach, matured with dilemma, disappointment and questions and then concluded with a learning that few essentials are premeditated by GOD [Such as, Quantity of LIFE or DEATH, Finding a SOUL MATE or TRUE LOVE, Loosing you...