
"One Year down..Another started..Life has just begun.."

"It has nothing to do with the number... it was never about the name...the journey was amazing and the road was insane..I am yet to see my true are yet to witness your show..well nothing of it matters..what does,  is from where we started and how far we can go..." To be precise, it was 19th January 2013, that was the day when I created this blog, without any intention of seeking any attention, all I did was to capture the day gone by as a "Friday Blogger". Little did I know, that I will be back here and writing something again to impress the girl I already impressed over this blog 4 years back and will try to seek her attention again and to make her admit, that I am still the same, perhaps a more refined version of what she got at that time (I will let her decide that, but she knows doesn't matter, she knows, if I have framed that opinion..its framed do accept that I got a version upgrade..and this one performs better :P).


Few Grams of Life - "DESTINED DIRECTIONS" The life has seen the test of has witnessed has witnessed fear; New or old doesn't really or cold doesn't really matter..we ran together...we crawled together..we smiled together, we sobbed together..but in the end, the life I want to live with you..where I love you more every year....every year- "Destined Directions " INK ON YEAR 2017 (1st January) It was early in the morning, when I suddenly woke up and looked at the clock, the hands of the clock were showing the time as 8 AM, within no moment I realized that I was late and decided to rush to the washroom, but before I could have done that, my eyes from no where noticed the empty side of the bed, which was used to be occupied a few months back. In several years, this was the first day, when I woke up without listening to the punctuality and pro-activeness gyan of a super active and super punctual female. Before she

Few Grams of Surprises- "Corporate Dreams Sapped Beings"

I came here to join the league..but the wagon was all smashed..I am all free to live now..the soul from the work station is finally detached-Few Grams of Surprises @ Corporate Dreams Sapped Beings INK ON... CORPORATE DREAMS-SAPPED BEINGS "Sometimes significant is not how you start but what matters is how you conclude".  Well, this was the only sentence written on that "Partially Pink and Partially Red Colored Envelope" (At that moment, I really had no idea that why the guy opted for that double colored envelope, until I opened it) . By that time I was curious to open it, as like every other human being, I too was surprised to see that hanging on my work station's drawer. My brain started its chore to arrive at various permutations and combinations and started fetching number of thoughts on what it could be and who could have kept it there. So getting into the flashback (with due respect to the Law Profession) to arrive to the incident

Few Grams of Happiness-"Confession of a MBA aspirant"

Life is a path of twist and times they are thorns sometimes they are ferns..all we need in that to remain alive, in the toughest of time..we should survive, as once it's over and we are through, what we see is a feeling completely divine..what we perceive is a sentiment entirely new - 'FEW GRAMS OF HAPPINESS'. I am still not sure, what is it , where is it, is it something that we strive for or something which can never be strived. Chris Gardener in his book “Pursuit of Happyness” quoted that "Happiness is something that we can only pursue and may be we can actually never have it".Is that true..?  Most of us will see it as something which is difficult to define; no matter how hard you try, it is an inexplicable feeling which is not often witnessed. Sometimes a sudden shift in fate results in giving you a feeling which is somewhere close to what you call happiness, or at times you feel elated just because you know that someone els


माँ अब इतनी दूर तू क्यों है  आज जो चाहा, साथ में हो तू.. मेरी हर एक बात में हो तू.. ढूँड रही हैं आँखे मेरी.. पर अब थक के, चूर तू क्यों है..  माँ अब इतनी दूर तू क्यों है,  तुझसे ही मेरी उत्पत्ति.. तुझसे से ही मेरा जीवन है..  टूट रही हैं साँसे मेरी.. फिर इतनी मजबूर तू क्यों है..  माँ अब इतनी दूर तू क्यों है, उस घर अब मैं, कैसे जाऊ..  किसमे खोजूं, किसमे पाऊं.. जीवन की एक ही आशा है.. तू ही मेरी अभिलाषा है..  तुझ से जुड़ के, तुझको खोना..  ऐसा ये दसतूर ही क्यों है..  माँ अब इतनी दूर तू क्यों है.  (प्रशांत) हर बिखरे लम्हों में मुझको  हर बिखरे लम्हों में मुझको, अब बस तेरी ही चाहत है.. मिलों तक पसरे सन्नाटे में अब बस तेरी ही आह्ट है.. तू पास ना हो तो सांस ना हो , तू दूर हुआ तो खालीपन.. तू साथ ना हो तो आस नहीं , तेरी ख़ामोशी है सूनापन.. इस ढलती बिलखती आँखों को, अब बस तुझसे ही राहत है.. हर बिखरे लम्हों में मुझको अब बस तेरी ही चाहत है, हम सोच में थे क्या होता है , जिसे प्यार यहाँ सब केहते हैं.. वो बात क्यों इतनी ख़ास है की, हर दर्द

Friday Blogger

You don't need a don't need a premise...It is someone else's game..It is someone else's choice...Be ready to feel it, be ready to witness again...If it has happened once..It can happen twice...'Yes; It can happen twice!!' "They say if it's not forever it's not love.If it goes and doesn't come back..It's not love.They believe it to be true only if it reaches to a close or conclusion.So that means, as per our theories and social norms, a love relationship needs a tag of "Happily Married" to conclude it or else if that doesn't happen, the Love will not be considered as true. They will name it, infatuation, attraction, obsession or you can get 'n' number of  other similar tags. Sometimes this theory appears to me, as if we plan love and as a plan it should happen as per some pre defined steps, so basically they want to say that love as per the guidelines :  First Step- Identify your mate, Second