Friday Blogger

"Till the day I let you go, Until we say our next hello, Its not Goodbye...." Ink On..... “Practically it was a Thursday night but technically it was a Friday morning. You can say that for me the Friday started early or rather put it this way, that the Thursday lasted for long. The brown colored watch on the pale yellow wall showed 5 in the morning, the time appeared to me as horrible as the color combination I described above. Well, in our country by that time most of the sane beings get well equipped to proceed with their daily chores but I was still struggling with the past days backlog and was burning the mid night oil to get done with the Sales presentation I was supposed to present in the Fridays Global Team Call. After interacting 5 hours with the laptop and sacrificing similar proportion of sleep, I realized that what I have created is something you can call as a “State of the Art” piece. Though I am not that self- obsessed guy but at that time the se...