"One Year down..Another started..Life has just begun.."

"It has nothing to do with the number... it was never about the name...the journey was amazing and the road was insane..I am yet to see my true self..you are yet to witness your show..well nothing of it matters..what does, is from where we started and how far we can go..." To be precise, it was 19th January 2013, that was the day when I created this blog, without any intention of seeking any attention, all I did was to capture the day gone by as a "Friday Blogger". Little did I know, that I will be back here and writing something again to impress the girl I already impressed over this blog 4 years back and will try to seek her attention again and to make her admit, that I am still the same, perhaps a more refined version of what she got at that time (I will let her decide that, but she knows me..it doesn't matter, she knows, if I have framed that opinion..its framed already..so do accept that I got a version upgrade..and this one performs better :P). ...