Few Grams of Surprises- "Corporate Dreams Sapped Beings"

I came here to join the league..but the wagon was all smashed..I am all free to live now..the soul from the work station is finally detached-Few Grams of Surprises @ Corporate Dreams Sapped Beings INK ON... CORPORATE DREAMS-SAPPED BEINGS "Sometimes significant is not how you start but what matters is how you conclude". Well, this was the only sentence written on that "Partially Pink and Partially Red Colored Envelope" (At that moment, I really had no idea that why the guy opted for that double colored envelope, until I opened it) . By that time I was curious to open it, as like every other human being, I too was surprised to see that hanging on my work station's drawer. My brain started its chore to arrive at various permutations and combinations and started fetching number of thoughts on what it could be and who could have kept it there. So getting into the flashback (with due respect to the Law Profession) to arrive to the incident...